Monday, December 7, 2009

I cry for yesterday

I cry for yesterday when I dreamt dreams that could have been
I see today and know those dreams could never be
Yet without them there would be nothing
Yet today they still persist

My time is numbered but the dreams are not
My dreams are mine but not entirely

Others dream these dreams and the dreams persist
Passed in the essence and in the genes

Down through the ages they have come
Burnt and diminished dream by dream
Until nothing seems to be what is or what was

Yesterday is not today
And what was diminished is still the dream
For what is created cannot be erased
And will persist until the end

© D. Evans 2009

1 comment:

Czarina Flo said...

Personal and universal, this free verse sure hits home.
I'm so very glad I met you, David.
You are talented, inquisitive, passionate, and live a life worth living.
And, yes, I feel we've met, because for me the virtual world is very real; as I have always lived in my head.