Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Unique Genius of Istvan Horkay In Exploiting the Works of Other Geniuses

T.S. Eliot from Istvan Horkay on Vimeo.

Box of Moon Light from Istvan Horkay on Vimeo.

Alphabet for adults from Istvan Horkay on Vimeo.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland from Istvan Horkay on Vimeo.

La nuit du chasseur/The Night of the Hunter from Istvan Horkay on Vimeo.


David Evans said...

This single poem redeems all of T.S. Eliot's previous sins of arrogance and orthodoxy.

David Evans said...

Regarding the video cocerning Eliot's reading of his poem:

When I first read this poem years ago I believed it to be somewhat pompous and overbearing. But over the years it continued to beckon me back to its scenes of quiet despair and bleak pseudo-reality. Is this the human condition? I don't know, yes! I do know!! The poem has worked its spell over me. Istvan Horkay is a genius in his ability to weave a deeply emotional picture of the twentieth century version of the human condition by mixing Eliot's reading of his poem with the bleak images and rich music. A most powerful video. D. Evans