Sunday, July 4, 2010

David Deutsch: A new way to explain explanation

When I first came into contact with Darwin's theory of evolution I just "knew" that it fit with reality while at the same time belief in a supreme being or God was becomming more and more difficult for me to maintain. I knew of the scientific method and how it was used to validate observable information. But I have never listened to such a marvelous explanation of the process than David Deutsch provides in the following video. I recommend it to anyone who pursues serious thought.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Persistence of Time and the Hiding of Memories

©Verity Ree
The Persistence of Time and the Hiding of Memories

(To Be Continued...)

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Smell of Paradise

This is one of the most thought provoking documentaries that I have ever watched. The last 15 minutes are truly brilliant. At the end of it, when the Afgan man was saying good-by to the Poles the words he said moved me almost to tears and then when tears came to his eyes it was a special moment. This documentary demonstrates once more to me that all humans are meant to be one, and maybe this century will be the beginning of this process. ...David

"A brilliant documentary by two Polish Film makers shown by BBC Four a channel in the UK. The film talks to many Mujahideen and tries to find out why it is they are fighting. This ends up with them going to Afghanistan and Checneya among other places." ...Google