Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Random Photographs
This trail goes from Washington, DC to Pittsburgh, PA without an interruption.  This is the old Western Maryland RR station at Meyersdale, PA.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

On The Pope's Gay Panic




The following letter was sent to the New York Times in hopes it will be published as a comment on Frank Bruni's column today (June 16, 2013). His column is titled "The Pope's Gay Panic".

The Church is caught up in Thomas Aquinas thinking. It is not that homosexuals are, per se evil, it is that the sexual act without the ability to procreate is sinful as judged by the Church's strange logic. Roman Catholic heterosexuals are also caught in the same illogical syllogistic mind set. I suggest that about ninety percent of heterosexual Roman Catholics have participated in sinful birth control methods, including oral sex, an abomination! And how many men, women, boys and girls masturbate? All "mortal sins" in the Church's eyes, all bound for hell.

So Frank, homosexual couples are no better nor no worse than heterosexual couples who practice "unnatural" birth control and other "strange and sinful" acts. The problem you seem to have is that you would like to see homosexuals marriages be blessed by the Church. I believe in time the Church will come to the position that homosexual couples may marry providing that they refrain from sexual expression. In reality they are being placed in the same moral bind as all other sexually active Catholics.

David Evans
Reisterstown, Maryland

A final oservation Frank, the Church need no longer consider itself the god appointed arbiter of good and bad, right and wrong for it knows not where it is going and it has fooled itself as to what it actually is and always was.