Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Have Discovered A Physics Teacher That I Understand

I know you're much older, experienced, intelligent and educated than me and you might look down, but these are very important matters to be voiced out. Religion is between life and death.
Rest assured, I don't look down on anyone. I do realize we will never agree. Science, particularly biology, is all about the struggle between life and death. Nature is both harsher and creative with respect to life and death. There are seeds that can do nothing for a thousand years, then come to life. There are baby worms that eat their way through there mother to go free. I am a skeptic, so cannot trust myself, there is always more the scientific process can teach me. Good luck.

Difference between bizarre and weird... Now that is a creepy question.
Speaking slowly when giving important information and pivotal argument is fine. Talking slowly as if you were forcing yourself is creepy ; it looks like you are playing a trick to little children. And joking about drugs is forgetting the victims, moron.
By the way, why this "double limit" in the equation ?
Plus, we can't hear the words at 23:20 because of the bad editing (music is fine, except when it becomes a barrier).

Hello WisdomVendor:

General relativity does treat gravity as exclusively being about spacetime curvature, so from that perspective, your comment is correct.  My proposal suggests gravity can be treated as only spactime curvature, only a 4-potential, or a combination of both. There is a relativistic force for EM, and for my proposal with gravity, but not so in GR which is geodesics.

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