Monday, February 13, 2012

This picture by Winslow Homer, "The Gulfstream" shows the fisherman on his little sailboat with the broken mast and a waterspout dancing around him. He does not seen the boat at the horizon and maybe that is a good thing because they will never seen him, he is a speck in a big sea. We humans quite often make bad decisions and can be selfish and negative and worse. But god damn we can be so heroic and wonderful at the same time. The painting is a work of fiction but similar things occur every day. I would hope I could face the "moment" with the same grace as the man in the boat.

What I just noticed about the picture is what appears to be a large amount of red in the water like...BLOOD!!... It looks like about fifty humans fell in and were shred up by the fish... yet there is no evidence showing what could have caused it...did Winslow embellish a bit?

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