Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fort Fredrick State Park

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fort Frederick was built in 1756-57 by the colony of Maryland. During the French and Indian War in 1756, a £6000 appropriation was authorized by the Maryland Legislature at the request of Governor Horatio Sharpe to build a fortification on the frontier. The fort, named after Fredrick Calvert, 6th Baron, Baltimore, was completed the following year. "The fort's design, which was developed by    Sebastian Vauban, a French engineer, is a large square with four diamond-shaped bastions. This is typical of 18th century fortifications. The fort is built of native sandstone."
The large stone fort was designed primarily as a place of refuge for area settlers. Between 1757 and 1758, small raids by Indians in nearby settlements caused settlers in the surrounding countryside to flee eastward. At the same time men of the 60Regimen of Foot and local militia soldiers garrisoned the fort. Ranging parties were sent from the fort to patrol the area and to deter if not prevent Indian raids.
The fort was not designed to resist artillery, as it was correctly assumed that the French would not be able to transport artillery to the remote location from the west. The fort served its purpose in 1763 during Pontiac's Rebellion; however, the fort was never directly attacked. From 1777 to 1783 the fort was used as a prisoner of war camp for as many as 1,000 captured British and German soldiers.[6]
Fort Frederick was sold at auction in 1791 and lay abandoned until the American Civil War. The fort was garrisoned at the outbreak of war and was used as a gun emplacement to protect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which paralleled the canal. The 1st Maryland Infantry (US) occupied the area in December 1861 and Company H fought in a skirmish at the fort against Confederate raiders on Christmas Day, 1861. The regiment left in February 1862. In October 1862, a picket from the 12th Illinois Cavalry briefly occupied the area.[7] The military usefulness of the fort ended by 1862.
In 1922 the property was acquired by the State of Maryland for use as Maryland's first state park.[8] The walls had deteriorated but were standing up to 8 feet (2.4 m) in places. Archeaological investigations and the discovery of the original plans allowed a complete reconstruction. Much of the restoration work of the 1930s was done by the Civilian Conservation Corps.[6]

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