Monday, May 3, 2010

Discussion With Michelle on "The Nature of Evil"


You have raised a number of issues that have intrigued me for quite awhile. There is pain and suffering caused by the natural world. Most of us cope with it because it is impersonal. However, there is pain and suffering in this world caused by the willful acts of other sentient creatures. Memories of this pain and suffering are difficult to erase. (Remember, every soldier involved in a battle is a wounded soldier.) There was a scene in Schindler's List that would not go away. Recall the Jewish child who was placed in the cesspool in order to hide from the Nazis?

And finally there is the mind of the instigator of the pain and suffering. What is it like to be that mind? What is it like to think like "that" mind thinks; feel like "that" mind feels? The concept of a Vulcan mind meld as a method of gaining insight into the "sick" mind has always intrigued me. Where are the breaks that are in my mind? Like a good scientist, I do not subscribe to the concept of "evil" as we know it. I am not saying that evil is not bad or that virtue is not good. What I am saying Michelle is that passing out of "good" and "bad" appellations will not bring us closer to understanding and thereby fixing that which may be broken. I know that absolute moral statements at this point in mankind's journey are premature and do no real good in understanding what really is going on .

At the present time, the phenomena of inflicting pain and suffering to another being is a legal, moral and social issue, but ultimately it is a scientific issue. Of the disciplines mentioned, only science has any chance of bringing relief to this human problem.


Hi David!,

It's always great to hear from you. I really enjoy your feedback and consider you one of my most important mirrors.

I have tried to wrap my mind around the question of "evil." I think that a persons' willful acts/ crimes against others is rooted in both nature AND nurture. I have read countless books, talked to criminals and listened to various experts weigh in on the topic. I have come to the realization that I will never truly grasp the inner workings of those individuals that derive gratification by inflicting pain on others. When I hear about people like David Ray Parker, John Wayne Gacy, and other dangerous individuals, I wonder what the hell went wrong with them. I simply cannot fathom how a human being can do such horrible things to others. At some point in their life they morphed into monsters. Philip Zimbardo talks about the Lucifer Effect and how all people are all susceptible to inflicting torture. You should check out his TED talk on the subject. It's fascinating. Anyway, just some random thoughts i wanted to share.

I only allow very few individuals to read my blog, you and a handful of others. I guess you could say that it's a secret =) As for how blogspot works, I'm not really too sure. I simply post and entries and peruse blogs when time allows.

Thanks again for all your support over the years. I am truly blessed to have such a great friend. I hope that you are doing great, and enjoying nature.



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