Thursday, November 11, 2010

"We bid adieu to the United States of America as it slowly sets along with the sun."

"We bid adieu to the United States of America as it slowly sets along with the sun."

Umm! As is written in Ecclesiastes 3 there is a time to practice one thing and then a time to practice a different quite often opposite thing. For example, there is a time to balance the budget and a time to run a deficit. Not knowing when to do what... caused the Great Depression to be spelled with capital letters.

The person who ended the Great Depression single handedly was Tojo the leader of Imperial Japan when he bombed Pearl Harbor and involved the United States of America in World War II.

The reason the Depression ended was that the massive government spending required by the needs of war raised all boats. After the war there was a period of recovery and prosperity interrupted about every eight years with a mild recession followed by a subsequent recovery.

The problem we are experiencing today was anticipated in George Santayana’s famous “misquote” …”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." My friend, you appear to have a good mind but you paint things with too wide of a brush and look to simplistic answers to solve complicated problems. 

1 comment:

David Evans said...

These are David's thoughts too. David could not have stated them any better.