Saturday, October 29, 2011

О Данелм , Синявском и о 60-х в "свободном СССР"

Natalia, I have translated and read the whole work.  Thank you so much for publishing this work on Facebook.  It is important that the world know the sacrifices that people such as these individuals made for the sake of truth and the freedom to speak the truth.  These men may be heroes to you and in Russia but they should be know and recognized as heroes throughout the world because as we shall all see, humanity of the world is becoming one in its desire for truth and freedom.  Thank you so much!  I will republish this, if you do not mind.  David

                                    (PUBLISHED IN THE RUSSIAN TRANSLATED BY GOOGLE)                           

         О Данелм , Синявском и о 60-х в "свободном СССР"
        Sent to me by Natalia Turisheva on Thursday, 27 October 2011 at 03:29 on Facebook

It was in 1968. In Omsk Provincial School held class meetings. A girl stood up and asked:  "By what right, and on what grounds were the allegations against Danelia and Sinyavsky?" They were representatives of culture. Their creative pursuits do not fit into the framework of Soviet ideology and ethics. They began to actively pursue state security organs. The charges were invented, as it often happened in such cases. And the people said nothing. They were silent. Fortunatelynot all were silent.

Since the literary works of these writers were not printed in the USSR, they were sumgled to the West, where they were published under pseudonyms  "Abram Tertz "(Sinyavsky) [1] [2] [3] and "Nicholas Arzhak" (Daniel) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]. The compositions were smugled by Helene Peltier Zamoyska, daughter of a naval attache in France,  who knew Sinyavsky. His wife Maria Sinyavsky Rozanov later told me: "Maybe it happened because Andrew Sinyavsky agreed to tell her, yes, signed by the KGB, that is, and then went to her and told the whole story". [9]

When they  revealed  their authorship, they were arrested by the KGB and prosecuted.
There are different versions of how the KGB managed to uncover aliases of Sinyavsky and Daniel.  In particular, it was alleged that they gave each Sinyavsky Sergey Khmelnitsky. Yevgeny Yevtushenko said that Robert Kennedy spoke to him ("locked in the bathroom and turning on the water"), concerning Sinyavsky and Daniel  giving the CIA, "in order to divert public opinion on U.S. policy, which continued to the unpopular war in Vietnam and to throw the spotlight on the Soviet Union, where the persecuteddissidents. "   In the early 1970s, Yevtushenko said Daniel. said that the Soviet Union paid for the disclosure of CIA aliases drawings of the new submarine. Son J. Daniel Alexander Daniel wrote: "How the KGB found out about who the Abram Tertz and Nicholas Arzhak exactly known yet, but the leakage of information, of course, occurred outside the Soviet Union: Y. Daniel on interrogation revealed Under his hand a copy of his novel "Atonement," which could only be found abroad. " Finally, it is possible that Sinyavsky and Daniel leaked his authorship to any friends who have given them. [10] [11]

[edit] Accusations
Writers were accused of writing for publication and transfer offoreign works, "defaming the Soviet state and social system."Daniel was charged with writing stories "says Moscow" and "Atonement" and the story "Hands" and "The Man from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy." Sinyavsky was accused of writing novels, "The court is," and "Lyubimov," the article "What is Socialist Realism", and that is transported at the boundary of the work of Daniel andparticipate in the transfer abroad of works Remezov, published under the pseudonym "A. Ivanov. "
Sinyavsky and Daniel pleaded not guilty. [12] [13].
The process detailed in "Izvestia" and "Literary Gazette."

[edit] Sentences
Daniel was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment against him byArticle 70 of the RSFSR Criminal Code, "anti-Soviet agitationand propaganda." Sinyavsky was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment at a penal colony on the presented him to Article 70 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "anti-Soviet agitation andpropaganda" [14]. Many writers have considered the process ofDaniel and Sinyavsky illegal and protested against their conviction, [13].

[edit] Public reaction
The story  of Sinyavsky and Daniel was associated with the beginning of the second period of the democratic (dissident) movement in the USSR [15].

In support of Sinyavsky and Daniel were literary critic V. Ivanov, I.criticism Rodnyansky and J. Burtin, poet and translator A.Jacobson, art, and I. Yu Gerchuk Golomshtok [16], an artist-restorer Kishilov N., Researcher, USSR Academy of Sciences B. Meniker, writers L. Kopelev, L. Chukovskaya, V.Kornilov, K. Paustovsky.
The authorities main public "witness against" the accused actedMikhail Sholokhov. The XXIII Congress of the CPSU, he reported(the style is saved):

These thugs get caught with a black conscience in memorable 20 years, when the judge is not based on strictly demarcated criminal code, and guided by the revolutionary sense of justice ...(Loud applause) ... Oh, would not that punishment would have received these werewolves! (Loud applause.) And then, you see, still talk about the severity of the sentence! I still would like to turn to foreign defenders libeller: Do not worry, dear, for the safety of our criticism. Criticism, we support and develop, it sounds sharp and on our current Congress. But slander - not a criticism, and dirt from the pool - do not paint from a palette of an artist!

[Edit] Letter Writers
After the trial, the release of Sinyavsky and Daniel petitioned ("Letter 63-X"): AN Anastasyev, AA Anikst, LA Anninsky, PG Antokolsky, BA Akhmadulina, S. E . Babenysheva, W. Berestov, KP Bogatyrev, ZB Boguslavskaya, YB Borev, V. Voinovich, J. A. Dombrowski, E. J. Dorosh, AV Zhigulin , A. Zak, L. Zonin, L. Zorin, NM Zorkaya, T. Ivanova, LR Cape, Kaverin, C. I. Keane, A . Kopelev Z., V. Kornilov, I. Krupnik, I. K. Kuznetsov, YD Levitansky, L. Levitsky, SL Lungin, LZ Loungin, S. P . Marques, VZ Mass, A. Mikhailov, P. Moritz, M. Nagibin, I. Nusinov, VF Ognev, BS Okudzhava, R. D. Orlov , LS Ospovat, N. Panchenko, Popovsky MA, Pinsky, SB Rassadin, NV Reformed, VM Rossels, D. Samoilov, B. . M. Sarnoff, FG Lights, AY Sergeyev, R. S. Seth, L. Slavin, I. Solovyev, A. Tarkovsky, A. M. Turks, I. S . Tynianov, G. Fish, K. Chukovsky, and LK Chukovskaya, VT Shalamov [17] MF Shatrov, V. Shklovsky, IG Ehrenburg ("Literary The newspaper, "19/11, 1966) [18].

In reply, the Secretariat Article Union of Soviet Writers - KA Fedin, N. Tikhonov, K. Simonov, KV Voronkov, VA Smirnov, A. Sobolev, SV Mikhalkov [ 19], AA Surkov - opposed Sinyavsky and Daniel.

   [Edit] The rally public
December 5, 1965 (Constitution Day) took place in Pushkin Square rally public support for Daniel and Sinyavsky. The participants included Alexander Esenin-Volpin, Valery Nikolsky, Yuri Titov, Yuri Galanskov, Vladimir Bukovsky. Mitya demanded the release of Daniel and Sinyavsky, as well as "respect its own Constitution." Straight from the area were taken in for questioning Alexander Esenin-Volpin, Y. Galanskov, A. Shuht etc. The interrogation lasted two hours later, participants were released.
[Edit] samizdat about the case of Sinyavsky and Daniel
In samizdat circulated an open letter to the art and science, with descriptions of the process Sinyavsky and Daniel, warning about the dangers of repetition of Stalinist repression in the case of tacit approval of such processes of society.
Most widely known open letter LK Chukovskaya to MA Sholokhov [20].

[Edit] Fate of writers after release
After his release in 1973 Sinyavsky moved to France. He was not the official emigrant, or deprived of Soviet citizenship - went on the invitation to work at the Sorbonne.
Daniel remained in the USSR. After serving full time, J. Daniel first worked in Kaluga, then in Moscow. Print could only anonymously, under the pseudonym J. Simpson (during special ustrozheniya translations of Apollinaire published under the name of Okudzhava) [21].
October 17, 1991 in "Izvestia" message appears on the revision of cases Ulmanis, Timofeev-Ressovsky and Tsarapkin, Sinyavsky and Daniel for their actions in the absence of evidence [22].

ak my classmates were silent. And for this performance had to pay later

                                      For Truth and the Freedom to Speak the Truth

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