Sunday, December 13, 2009

Here Today (A Song for John)

Here Today ( A Song for John) By Paul McCartney
I knew that John Lennon and Paul McCartney had some sort of parting of their ways after the Beatles disbanded. I never knew if they had reconciled before John’s death. After John died I thought that they had not reconciled. I always felt sad for Paul because of the years that they were together and the creativity they each possessed both individually and together. The greatness of this collaboration could have only come from a bond between them, a bond based on love.
Today I stayed home because of the rain and decided to listen to Charlie Rose’s interview of Paul McCartney on Google. During the interview it was brought out that they had reconciled. Paul told a wonderful story of how it happened that I could not do justice to by attempting to repeat it. I recommend you listen to this Charlie Rose interview on Google video on the web.
Paul wrote a song for John called “Here Today (A Song for John). I downloaded a video of the song and listened to it. I can be an emotional person at times. This was such a time. I could actually feel Paul’s love for John in this song. Life can be short and tricky. I am so happy both men were able to reconcile when they did. Other people’s happiness makes me happy too.

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