Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Obama Does Not Get It! Heads Must Roll!!


Obama Does Not Get It! Heads Must Roll!!

We are not stupid we know what is going on. We know that millions have been spent in Washington to protect the Investment Elite. It is very much like listening to Nero fiddle while Rome burnes. Not only that but the Pigs have been put in charge of their own troughs. The following came from Sunday's NY Times written by Frank Rich. This is the last part of his column.

"Last week Goldman Sachs announced it would grant some of this year’s bonuses in stock, not cash, to try to stanch the public backlash to the record profits it piled up thanks to government largess. But Washington remains strangely oblivious to the mood out there. Financial reform has been embattled on Capitol Hill, where the financial industry has spent $344 million on lobbying in the first three quarters of 2009. The big ratings agencies that gave triple-A stamps of approval to Wall Street’s junk are back to business as usual. Bank of America and Citi are racing to return TARP money to Washington not because they have necessarily recovered but because they want to shower rewards on their executives with impunity.

"The rage engendered by this status quo is across the political map. As unlikely as it sounds, Ron Paul and Jim DeMint, political heroes of the tea party right, and Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson, similarly revered on the left, have found a common cause in vilifying the Federal Reserve Bank and its chairman, Ben Bernanke. The Fed is hardly the root of all evil, but you can see why it is a handy scapegoat. Like the institutions it failed to police during the boom, it wields its power from on high with little transparency to those below.
Meanwhile, at the company where I work, as at many others, the latest round of layoffs will be completed by Christmas. Even for the survivors it feels a little like serial deaths in the family. And who believes we’re near the end of this story? For all of Wall Street’s and Washington’s rumors of a recovery, the fate of Americans on the ground remains very much up in the air."

1 comment:

David Evans said...

Since I am the only one who reads my own stuff I am obligated to comment.
I understand this can be used at my sanity hearing to show I have a split personality. So be it.

Successful people in power (even ones who mean well) must know instinctively when to go for the jugular and when to show some mercy. The boys in there now do not know how and the Republicans would do worse.